I'm Probably Not Asleep




Pcparadise Discord Bot:

pcparadisebot is a discord bot currently being developed for a large discord server I'm a member of. Built on top of python and poetry, and using pylint / black in it's CI/CD. It's probably one of the best structured projects I own. It generates it's own database, keeps a list of migrations to update it, and has some fairly gnarly queries going on. Despite this, I'm fairly happy with the code quality.


CNL (also known as creatively named launcher) was a project I worked on way back in highschool. It used relm, which is a GTK framework in order to make a small window which let you type what app you wanted to open. It used a fuzzy finder and a simple .desktop file parser in order to figure out what commands to execute.

Chip8 Decompiler:

Chip8 was meant to be a monorepo with a parser, decompiler, and an interpreter that emulated a chip8 VM. In the end the interpreter was never finished, however the byte code was succesfully parsed. The only big limitation was due to my poor understanding of the vm byte code, I didn't properly display random bytes, as chip8 didn't have a seperate .data section akin to modern executables. So data was just spread out along the "executable".

This Website:

This website was thrown together using a static site generataor called zola. Based off of the tera templating engine, and inspired a lot by hugo, I've found it pretty neat. Check it out :) Also worth mentioning that this site takes a lot of inspiration from withoutboat's site.

My Configs:

Not really a project, but I'm super happy with my configs. Check them out! :)